Windows 7 slimboat ssl errors
Windows 7 slimboat ssl errors

windows 7 slimboat ssl errors

Plugged flash drive into new, problematic laptop (X201, SSD, W7 Pro vanilla ISO).Dragged each of the 4 blocks of certificates from the dialogue box into each of the 4 folders I'd created.Under each tab, selected the first item and pressed Shift+End to select all.Created 4 folders on flash drive named correspondingly to the 4 tabs that contained certificates: 'Intermediate Certification Authories', Trusted Root Certification Authorities', 'Trusted Publishers', and 'Untrusted Publishers.Elevated Internet Options > Content tab > Certificates button.Booted W7 on old laptop (X220, HDD, W7 Pro OEM) I've been using for many years without having seen this problem except on a highly occasional basis, probably with bona fide dodgy sites.Tried the long list of solutions offered around the web (browsing on a different computer). I checked this other answer and used that advice (reset my Internet settings), but it didn't make any difference. I have tried manually accepting the certificate, but it doesn't work - I still get the same error every time. You should not proceed, especially if you have never seen this warning before for this site. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Google Chrome cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications. You attempted to reach but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. The site's security certificate is not trusted!

windows 7 slimboat ssl errors

The error I am getting in Chrome is the following I know the usual cause is my date being set incorrectly, but it's definitely correct. This is definitely an issue with my laptop or operating system. This is happening in all networks (at work and at home). For some reason I am constantly getting certificate errors when hitting sites where I really shouldn't be getting them - twitter, picasa, google analytics ( but gmail works), my bank, etc. I recently switched to a new laptop running Windows 7.

Windows 7 slimboat ssl errors